IBAR Systemtechnik GmbH increases performance by building a highly available (HA) shared storage cluster with the help of StarWind

PUBLISHED/UPDATED: September 16th, 2019

The solution from StarWind is much more powerful than the previous. The whole system is running great, and the data transfer rates are excellent.

Martin Wilke, company’s representative


The company has a Windows Server infrastructure, virtualized on Hyper-V. Previously, IBAR Systemtechnik GmbH used to have DFS Replication as a way to synchronize their servers. However, since this Windows Server feature does not replicate the entire file block but only recent changes, it wasn’t corresponding to the specific needs of the company, including high speed. IBAR Systemtechnik was searching for a way to create a highly available (HA) 2 servers cluster to use it as a central data store. The option of a hardware SAN solution was dismissed in the concept phase, and the company decided to pursue a virtual SAN solution instead.


Under such circumstances, nothing is surprising about the fact that StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) became a number one option for the IBAR Systemtechnik GmbH. The implementation of StarWind VSAN aided the company by creating highly available storage for their virtual machines (VMs) and applications. StarWind provided the company with a virtual shared storage cluster that ensures critical data replication to a disaster recovery site and caching technology, explicitly suited for intense virtualized workloads. It guarantees undisrupted high-speed performance, which was precisely what IBAR Systemtechnik were looking for.


About the Company

IBAR Systemtechnik GmbH is an office automation technology engineering company that delivers flexible, sustainable, and cost-efficient solutions without neglecting convenience or service.

Company Profile


Contact Person

Martin Wilke,
company’s representative

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