Marion County R-II School District enhances its educational services by building a highly available (HA) infrastructure powered by StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN)

PUBLISHED/UPDATED: October 7th, 2021

StarWind immediately provided a solid shared storage
platform that allowed our disconnected hypervisors
to form a reliable cluster.

Isaiah Jesch, IT Director


Before StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) deployment, Marion County R-II School District had standalone Dell servers with Hyper-V on top and no SAN storage. The servers being completely independent led to no failover or redundancy. Unplanned reboots of the Hyper-V hosts resulted in taking many crucial servers and functions off-line on a fairly regular basis. Additionally, Marion County R-II School District had no reliable backup solution, and budget constraints prevented it from addressing both issues. The organization was in great need of a good price-quality shared storage solution to achieve high availability (HA) and scalability.


Marion County R-II School District has chosen StarWind VSAN because it allowed creating a Hyper-V failover cluster with HA features always maintained. The provided replication between the hardware also gives the organization an effective copy of all data on all servers, thus ensuring reliable backup/failover in the event of hardware loss. The scalability of the system is also excellent and gives the institution confidence in the ability to grow and adjust its hardware infrastructure. The StarWind allows Marion County R-II School District to continue to make the most of its investments.
StarWind was a standout for the organization’s needs and the current size of its infrastructure requiring a smaller starting point but future growth with a solution that could scale out. Since deploying StarWind VSAN, Marion County R-II School District has had 100% uptime with its virtual environment. Its servers are more up to date than ever before and use Hyper-V failover to keep its staff connected to the key services even while maintenance items are being performed. The organization was also pleased with the help of the StarWind Support Team that was very knowledgeable and ensured everything was configured exactly right from both a best practice perspective. Marion County R-II School District is more than happy with the solution right now and plans to continue using it and recommending it to its peers looking to solve similar challenges.

About the Company

Marion County R-II School District is a rural K-12 School District serving students in Marion County, Missouri, USA.

Company Profile


Contact Person

Isaiah Jesch,
IT Director

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