
Educational Episodes: Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)

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Gary Williams
  • Gary Williams
  • May 22, 2018

Install Gitlab, HTTPS and the container registry

Many of us view Gitlab as something that only developers may use. Indeed, these guys love it, but are they the only ones who may find it handy? That’s time to dispel that myth! Gitlab is more than the cool repository for scripts of any size and shape. It is a feature-rich solution, so that won’t be fair to leave that thing on the table.

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Romain Serre
  • Romain Serre
  • May 17, 2018

Chain Veeam Backup job to reduce backup window

We all know what backup window really is, right? It’s an extremely short period of time that you are supposed to fit all your backup processes in somehow. Still, this challenge looks not that hard to accomplish as long as you are using that time wisely. That’s, actually, what Veeam Backup & Replication backup job chaining is intended for!

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Vladan Seget
  • Vladan Seget
  • May 15, 2018

How to protect users against Malicious Websites using CryptoMiners via Windows Defender Application Guard

Fairly often, unexperienced end users get caught on some website which uses malware or newly some crypto miners which uses up to 70% of your PCs power to mine a cryptocurrency for some hackers. So how to protect at best those end users? One of the new ways is to use Microsoft’s built-in utility called Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG).The tool is designed for W10 Enterprise version only and the system has to support to run Hyper-V role. Microsoft introduced a new layer of defense-in-depth protection which uses Hyper-V for isolation purposes.

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Sergey Sanduliak
  • Sergey Sanduliak
  • May 10, 2018

Top 5 solutions to make huge data transferring with AWS a breeze

Regarding the growing demand on the cloud, it’s no problem finding a cloud storage provider. However, there are only few market players that can be considered true leaders of this industry. Amazon is one of these guys, with S3 cloud storage serving a perfect fit for any business regardless of its size. But still, even Amazon’s customers face several challenges during data migration process to S3, especially, when it comes to petabytes.

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Andrea Mauro
  • Andrea Mauro
  • May 8, 2018

Why upgrade to VMware vSphere 6.7 (or why not)

Now that VMware vSphere 6.7 has been announced and it’s also available in General Availability (GA), some people may ask if it makes sense upgrade to this version (or when will make sense upgrade to 6.7). Is a GA release ready for a production environment? Or is it mature and stable enough?

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Paolo Valsecchi
  • Paolo Valsecchi
  • May 3, 2018

Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 – Protection Groups

Protection Groups is a new feature introduced with the Update 3 of Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 and allows the administrators to backup physical servers and workstations through the use of Agents. In this article will be explained the procedure to create Protection Groups and their use in the backup jobs.

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Kevin Soltow
  • Kevin Soltow
  • May 3, 2018

PowerCLI: a fast and easy way to set up virtual networks in VMware ESXi 6.5

Recently, I decided to automate some boring routine procedures related to setting up virtual networks in ESXi 6.5. That’s right, I’m talking about PowerCLI. This command-line tools allows automating all aspects of vSphere management, including network, storage, VM and so on and so forth. Sure, I had to dig into the details of orchestrating ESXi with PowerCLI. Yep, it took me some time but at the end of the day, the knowledge and experience I acquired paid back! Apparently, this case is not unique, so I decided to share my experience in today’s scribbling.

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Andrea Mauro
  • Andrea Mauro
  • May 1, 2018

Using PowerShell on Linux

PowerShell is a command line (CLI) scripting language developed by Microsoft to simplify automation and configuration management, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language. It’s a (huge) evolution (or better a revolution) from the original DOS batch language (still supported in latest Windows OS with the cmd.exe command), and it’s really better compared to the different previous attempts to replace the batch language (like Windows Script Host).

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Karim Buzdar
  • Karim Buzdar
  • April 26, 2018

Unveiling Microsoft Windows Server 2019 – Here’s Everything You Should Know About It

We live in an age where our technology needs are ever evolving. Right now we may need things we didn’t even know existed until a few weeks back because every little feature or upgrade brings massive value into our everyday lives. The same is the case with the preview release of Microsoft  Windows Server 2019. Let’s take a closer peek at what features Microsoft has in store to serve our evolving needs with its new release.

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