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Florent Appointaire
Florent Appointaire
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Florent Appointaire

Start with AKS and Azure CNI Overlay

Originally, the users of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) had to choose between only two types of network plugins, namely Azure or Kubenet. Now, Microsoft has released an alternative that can do all the same things and more!

Florent Appointaire

APIM and Private Endpoints

Microsoft leveled up its Azure API Management service with a private endpoint feature, now available for all SKUs. Want to know how to make APIM fully private?

Florent Appointaire

Lifecycle management in your storage account

Storing data in hot storage costs more than cool or archive storage. Data that is not frequently accessed can be moved to blob storage, reducing the cost of storing data. In Azure, Lifecycle management for your storage account can help you configure the policies and automate the process without much effort.

Florent Appointaire

Start with Azure Load Testing service

Looking for an easy and precise way to stress test your applications and services? Microsoft has got you covered with the new feature preview – Azure Load Testing. It allows you to generate high-scale load with configurable parameters for any HTTP endpoint.

Florent Appointaire

Access Azure Bastion without opening the portal

Azure Bastion is a useful service that allows connecting to a VM using only your browser and access to the Azure Portal. However, it is possible to create a shareable link to the required VM and provide access directly to a user.

Florent Appointaire

Give access to specific logs in a log analytics workspace

Log Analytics Workspace is a handy Microsoft service that allows you to view your Azure logs from a unified space contextually. Accessing logs isn’t as easy as it sounds, and singling out the ones you really want may prove tricky. Luckily, you can have all your desired logs in the palm of your hand with said service.

Florent Appointaire

Migrate from Azure Basic Load Balancer to Standard

Microsoft announced Azure Basic Load Balancer (LB) end-of-life from September 30, 2025. Anyone using that tool will have to migrate to the new Azure Standard LB. There are several prerequisites to be made, as well as associated downtime during migration. The new format of the tool is also for-pay.

Florent Appointaire

Copy an Azure Image from a subscription to another

Having only the desired users access necessary services in Azure Production Subscription is vital to the security and smoothness of your IT environment operation. You can have your people working on new projects in a sandbox subscription. When you’re ready to transfer such projects to production, a set of easy steps will help you do that.

Florent Appointaire

[Azure] Backup Your Blob Storage with Backup Center

Microsoft recently added the ability to backup your blob storage data to Azure with Backup Center. Blob is object storage optimized for storing large amounts of unstructured data, which ranges from servicing images, documents, and streaming to writing to log files and disaster recovery. Now, you can backup your blob in a few clicks.