StarWind is a hyperconverged (HCI) vendor with focus on Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge

[Azure] Virtual Network Peering

  • April 27, 2017
  • 6 min read
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.
Cloud and Virtualization Architect. Florent is specializing in public, hybrid, and private cloud technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and an MCSE in Private Cloud.

On 28th of September, Microsoft has released the Virtual Network peering, in GA.

This new functionality gives you the opportunity to connect 2 Virtual Network in Azure between them, by using the network of the Azure Datacenter. Bye bye VPN S2S between virtual network 🙂

Some prerequisites are needed to do this:

  • Be on the same Azure Region (West Europe for me)
  • Do not overlap networks of each VNet

The pricing of this new feature is available here and depends on the data transferred through this feature:

You can do the VNet Peering between:

  • ARM VNet to ARM VNet in the same subscription
  • ARM VNet to Classic VNet in the same subscription
  • ARM VNet to ARM VNet in different subscription

Arm to Arm Virtual Network peering

To start a VNet peering between 2 ARMs Virtual network, go on the first virtual network, in the Peerings part and click on Add:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks peering

Provide a name, choose the Resource Manager mode, choose to which virtual network you want to peer if you want to enable or disable this connection, and choose other options for the routing between gateway on each network, etc.:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks peerings

The Peering Status is currently Initiated because we need to do the same peering on the other virtual network:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager vnet peerings

On the second virtual network, click on Add on the Peerings part:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks Peering VNET

Now, the status is Connected because the 2 Virtual networks are connected:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks ARM peering connected

I’ll do a ping from one VNet, to the other:

Peering Test Remore Desktop Connection server manager dashboard

The ping is working fine  🙂

Arm to Classic Virtual Network peering

In my classic portal, I have one virtual network with one VM connected to it.

In this case, only one link is needed to create the peering, from ARM to Classic:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks add peering

As you can see, the peering is directly connected:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks classic peering connected

To test the connectivity, I’ll do a ping from a classic VM to an ARM VM:

Classic peering remote desktop connection

And it works again  🙂

Arm to Arm Virtual Network peering in 2 different subscriptions

To create a network peering between 2 networks in 2 different subscriptions, you MUST be Owner of the 2 subscriptions. Add a peering and check the box I know my resource ID. Provide the VNet of the other subscription with the following format, by replacing XXX-XXX-XXX-XXXX by your subscription ID and by changing the resource group name and the virtual network name:


Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks add peering

I checked the box Use remote gateways to be able to use my ExpressRoute connected to the remote virtual network.

Azure box Use remote gateways view

Do the same on the other network:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks add peering

When it’s done, the connection is done:

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager virtual networks peerings view

These new features are very useful to connect different subscription/VNet between us, without passing through the internet because you use the network backbone of Azure datacenter.

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Taras Shved
Taras Shved StarWind HCI Appliance Product Manager
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