The VDS ensures the scalability of its critical business operations by moving to hyperconvergence with StarWind HCI Appliance (HCA)

PUBLISHED/UPDATED: January 10th, 2024

StarWind HCA allowed us to create entire environments at speed, in bulk, using a fraction of the rack space and cost.
The system solved the problem of redundancy, failover, patching during working hours, administration instantly.

Head of Infrastructure


Before StarWind HCI Appliance (HCA) deployment, the VDS relied on a traditional infrastructure featuring physical rack Windows servers and standalone Hyper-V hosts. Multiple physical server installations quickly exhausted resources, impeding the provisioning of development and test environments for project work. Limited rack space in the communications room led to constant management issues.

Maintenance, patching, and securing systems during office hours were difficult due to the lack of high availability. Aging servers, expired warranties, frequent disk failures, and escalating administration overheads compounded the problem.


StarWind HCI Appliance facilitated the rapid creation of entire environments, efficiently utilizing rack space and reducing costs. The solution addressed redundancy, failover, and allowed for patching during office hours, resolving the maintenance challenges. StarWind ProActive Premium Support played a crucial role in maintaining system stability and reducing administration overhead.

The VDS’s resulting infrastructure is highly reliable, flexible, and expandable, proving crucial to the company’s business operations. Automatic failover enhances system resilience, meeting its requirements seamlessly.

About the Сompany

The Veterinary Defence Society (VDS) Limited is a mutual insurance company, run by experienced veterinary surgeons. The company insures the vast majority of the practicing veterinary profession against the effects of claims of negligence.



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Head of Infrastructure

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