FAFCO has built a resilient and powerful IT environment with StarWind Virtual SAN


Yes, it has been 100% reliable. We have never had a server go down since installation.

Jeff Monian, a company representative


Before deploying StarWind Virtual SAN, the company was running a bunch of standalone servers. Such infrastructure could not deliver the required production uptime due to its possible disruption in the event of a single IT ecosystem component failure.
Obviously, the company could not let its IT environment running like that, so they were looking for a cost-efficient solution that would ensure their IT ecosystem uptime.


After a careful look through the existing industry-proven solutions, the company decided to use StarWind Virtual SAN. Why?
First, it delivered the required uptime without making FAFCO’s IT environment management discouragingly complex. The solution, basically, mirrored all the existing storage and compute resources between servers allowing to have the production running even with the half of the environment down.
Second, the company should not pay through its nose to achieve the required uptime. StarWind Virtual SAN could be deployed on the existing hardware and did not require any proprietary one to be purchased.
FAFCO’s IT department also notes the thorough support of StarWind Virtual SAN. Thanks to the timely service, the company has never had a server down since the deployment of StarWind Virtual SAN.
Taking all the experiences together, the company plans to not only keep on using the solution but also looks for employing StarWind hardware products once their currently used physical equipment becomes too old.

About the Company

FAFCO is the oldest and the largest American solar water heating and thermal storage manufacturer that has brought significant advancements in solar energy collecting technology. FAFCO builds both residential- and commercial-scale solar collector systems for heating pool water. By their design, company’s solutions dramatically reduce costs that house owners usually spend on heating water in their pools.


Thermal storage manufacturing

Contact Person

Jeff Monian, a company representative


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