Alfa Adhesives, Inc. improves its business profitability by building a resilient hardware infrastructure around StarWind VSAN

PUBLISHED/UPDATED: October 21st, 2021

StarWind VSAN is truly redundant with no single point
of failure. It was easy to set up and get running,
and management time/cost is near zero.

Corey G., CIO


Prior to using StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN), Alfa Adhesives had a Dell EMC PowerEdge VRTX infrastructure solution with VMware vSphere on top. The company was looking for a more resilient hardware infrastructure with fewer single points of failure (SPOF). The expiring hardware warranty, high price of software-defined storage (SDS), and licensing of 3 nodes at least were other points of concern that the company wanted to resolve. Alfa Adhesives needed virtual shared storage reasonably priced to ensure redundancy and high availability (HA).


Using StarWind VSAN, Alfa Adhesives created a totally redundant 2-node system using Dell off-the-shelf hardware. For the company cost was a huge factor when implementing the virtual shared storage solution into its IT environment. StarWind VSAN turned out to be much cheaper than its alternatives, especially when the company needed 2 nodes versus the typical 3. StarWind was about the same cost as nodes plus switches plus a SAN router that would have cost more in setup and maintenance. So, StarWind VSAN will save Alfa Adhesives money just an unmeasurable number.
Now the company’s IT infrastructure powered by StarWind works great with the increased performance and with no single point of failure. The company was also pleasantly surprised by StarWind customer support prior to purchasing, during a VSAN solution setup, and after. Having a rewarding client experience, Alfa Adhesives plans on using StarWind either for a DR site or future replacement of out-of-the-date hardware resources.


About the Company

Alfa Adhesives, Inc. is an American company located in New Jersey, United States, which is part of the chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers’ industry. It produces temperature regulating coatings and water-based adhesives designed for bonding foams, fabrics, and virtually any porous substrates.

Company Profile

Chemical and Allied Products
Merchant Wholesalers

Contact Person

Corey G., CIO

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