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Vladyslav Savchenko
Vladyslav Savchenko
StarWind Solutions Architect. Vladyslav has a broad expertise in virtualization technologies, and a strong background in storage and system administration.
Vladyslav Savchenko

Configuring Highly Available NVMe-oF Storage in Proxmox VE

Interested in NVMeoF vs iSCSI debate? Explore our latest article and learn how to set up High Availability cluster on Proxmox VE with NVMe-oF storage.

Vladyslav Savchenko

StarWind V2V Converter Update: Hot VM Migration and More New Features

Discover the latest updates to StarWind V2V Converter! It now includes hot migration from HyperV to VMware and new support for Oracle VirtualBox and oVirt.

Vladyslav Savchenko

Setting up StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) as Hardened Repository for Veeam B&R

Worried about keeping your business data safe from ransomware and other threats? Discover how StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) can fortify your backup strategy as a hardened repository for Veeam Backup & Replication (B&R).

Vladyslav Savchenko

What Is Enterprise Hybrid Cloud Architecture?

Explore Enterprise Hybrid Clouds, the backbone of modern IT. Combining public and private clouds simplifies management, cuts costs, and propels businesses into the digital future.

Vladyslav Savchenko

How to Create a File Share with StarWind VSAN

Discover how to create SMB and NFS file shares in StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN).

Vladyslav Savchenko

What is Business Continuity?

Ever wondered how companies survive cyber-attacks, fires, or data center meltdowns? It’s all about Business Continuity. This article unveils the crucial elements of a Business Continuity Plan and why it’s a must in today’s world.

Vladyslav Savchenko

StarWind rPerf: All-in-one free tool for ensuring the maximum performance level of your RDMA network connections

Nowadays we often meet systems with RDMA connections configured for increasing the performance of the system. Also, it’s not a news that we can meet environments with the different OS installed. In our case, we will be looking into a vital aspect of the process – the performance of RDMA connections. So, let’s have a look at the configuration of RDMA and what we need for building and testing RDMA connections, problems that you possibly can face, and the final part is making it perform in a way that will make us happy. So, let’s start.

Vladyslav Savchenko

Secure your data for good with Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

Today we will look at one of them – Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol or CHAP. Before we start, let me tell you a few words about CHAP. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is a network login protocol that uses a challenge-response mechanism. You can use CHAP authentication to restrict iSCSI access to volumes and snapshots to hosts that supply the correct account name and password (or “secret”) combination. Using CHAP authentication can facilitate management of access controls because it restricts the access through account names and passwords, instead of IP addresses or iSCSI initiator names.