Remove Replication Partner Fail

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Posts: 4
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Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:46 am

Hello StarWind Masters ¡!

In a [3] node scenario using Windows Server 2012 R2 Latest release 6.3 (Build 9600) , a server have failed, the [3rd] one, and because the server ain't going to be replaced, I went to the StarWind GUI Console Version 8.0.14314.0 in my [2nd] Server and from Replication Manager, I try to remove the failed server from the HAImage1 and HAImage2.
The removal for HAImage1 went smoothly and the change also was consistent with my [1st] Server, but then, when I try to remove the HAImage2, it kind of stuck for a while and get me an error: "StarWind Management Console - Failed: operation cannot be completed", and when I try the PowerShell way, using "RemoveHAPartner.ps1" I get "Error: 200 Failed: operation cannot be completed.."
The strangest part, it's that my [1st] Server it's not showing the failed replication partner anymore and is working good, but the [2nd] one still shows: "Partner Node is not ready, see Replication Manager for more Details" with a Yellow exclamation Mark. Already try restarting the servers and resync, and everything goes smoothtly, but for some reason [2nd] Server still shows that warning/error.

All the help I can have from you guys, very grateful to receive it, thank you.
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2428
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:11 am

I'd suggest to update to the latest build from 14314. Update both service and console.
If nothing works, simply remove the entries from the config files. Speaking of the ability to operate in GUI: is it a trial version?
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:51 pm

Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:43 pm

Hi Yaroslav;
Just for the record…
I stop the StarWind service in my [2nd] server, then I remove the failed entry from the C:\Program Files\StarWind Software\StarWind\StarWind.cfg file, but then I realize that after restarting the service, the changes I made into the StarWind.cfg file were gone, I try a couple times but it didn’t work.
Then, I update my [2nd] server to StarWind Version V8 build 15159 (08 June 2023), all went smoothly and after getting all the HAimages on Sync with my [1st] server, I proceed to update that one.
But surprise surprise, after trying the update on my [1st] server, it did finish smoothly but after accessing the console, I get a Red Mark on the HAimages, marking them as not in Sync, the strangest thing it’s that it try to Sync, but after a few seconds it fails and keeps trying to do it again, in a loop… that was the moment when a chilling feeling start to running through my spine XD.
In the end, I had to remove all the HAimages from my [1st] server, add them again and do a Full replication from my [2nd] server, a little bit of uncertainty through all the process but in the end all went well and for some odd reason the error on my [2nd] server gets cleared.
So maybe from the start, it was an error from my part to remove the HAimage from the [2nd] server instead of the [1st] server, I believe that as long the nodes are working properly, it shouldn’t matter from where you remove the HAimages, but at this stage, I really do not know.
Thank You for your Help, really appreciated.
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2428
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:53 pm

Thanks for getting back to me!
Yes that was weird. How long ago did that happen? If that was something recent, I will be happy to look into the logs.
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