StarWind V2V Converter Help : Specifications

File formats

  • RAW image .IMG - StarWind Virtual SAN, and other software;
  • MS VHD/VHDX - thick- and thin-provisioned;
  • VMware VMDK for ESXi - thick-provisioned;
  • VMware VMDK for Workstation - thick- and thin-provisioned;
  • VMware VMDK stream-optimized for OVF;
  • QCOW2 - QEMU (KVM);
  • Physical to virtual from Windows Machine.

Versions of VMware ESXi

  • VMDK files - ESXi 5.x or later;
  • Remote connection - ESXi 5.5 or later;
  • Snapshots from files do not get converted.

Versions of MS Windows/Hyper-V

Works with MS Windows Server and MS Hyper-V Server.

  • VHD / VHDX files of all versions, Windows Server 2008R2 or later;
  • Virtual machines - Windows Server 2008R2 or later;
  • Snapshots from files do not get converted.

Versions of MS Windows for P2V

Client versions ranging from Windows Vista to Windows 10;

Windows Server 2008R2 or later;

Windows Server 2016 Core and Windows Server 2019 Core.

NOTE: Windows 7 and earlier do not support VHDX files. Please, use other tools for conversion.


Microsoft Azure

All the file formats mentioned above can be converted to the virtual disks of Microsoft Azure virtual machines. Virtual and physical machines that fit the requirements mentioned above can be converted to Microsoft Azure virtual machines. 

Amazon Web Services

All the file formats mentioned above can be converted to the virtual disks of Amazon Web Services instances. Virtual and physical machines that fit the requirements mentioned above can be converted to Amazon Web Services instances.